Friday 29 May 2015

The hunt for Georgia S


Georgia became a subscriber after seeing one of our, very few, adverts. She sent us a short introductory email - prominently labelled “Not for publication” - giving us some background about her time in foster care. Then there was a lengthy silence. This didn't particularly worry us as new subscribers sometimes used to sign up on a whim but then don't bother to unsubscribe when they found out that what we offered wasn't what they needed. 

Eventually we unsubscribed her but about two months later she phoned us when we were both out. Mark took a long and fairly desperate message with a number to call. Over the next few months we tried phoning her loads of times but her (landline) phone just rang and rang without ever being picked up. 

Mark is mega reliable so when he said that he was certain that he had taken the number down correctly we knew that he had. So, unsurprisingly, we ended up feeling rather worried. Should we have done something then? Perhaps we should have but our own lives were going through a complicated phase around that time and we didn't have any mental energy to spare. 

And there the matter rested until March 2015  

We have a wide circle of adopted/fostered/Children's Home friends, who all have equally wide friendship networks, so we are in second or third hand contact with shedloads of people. We heard about a former foster child with a similar story to Georgia's but she was using a different name. Our husbands are very IT savvy so by comparing the headers on the email she sent to us with the headers on a email she sent to a distant acquaintance of ours the two of them managed, via the IP Address, to discover that the two emails were sent from the same small town.  

This gave us the confidence to send her an email to her newer address explaining that we had been a bit worried about her and we just asked her to confirm that she was the former subscriber and that she was safe and well. 

She wrote back, "Yes I am and yes I am." and nothing else! 

And there the story ends as far as we are concerned. Clearly something has been going on, who knows what?  Mildly upsetting but all too typical of the rather murky world of former foster children!



1 comment:

  1. Yikes! I hope everything is okay. Keeping her in my thoughts.
